Forever Manchester
One thing that's new in 2013 is that I have started doing some volunteering with the charity Forever Manchester on the marketing team helping with the social media. It's an amazing opportunity that I found through taking part in the Manchester Uni mentoring scheme and is a great start towards a career in marketing after I graduate!
Getting Organised
I like to think that I'm organised, and I am providing that I keep up the organisation momentum. Once I slip that's it, I go back to my usual disorganised self. I have, however, started to rely on my lovely Filofax again - so much that I can't function without it! To be honest I've become a little obsessive with post its and templates but that's besides the point, at least I'm being organised. As well as the Filofax, my room's had a good old tidy and organised - tidy space tidy mind and all that.
Photo a Day
This was actually instigated by my dad who told me that he was doing a photo a day and that meant that I should too. I'm a bit skeptical, my track record for keeping things like this up isn't great but may as well have a go! Might be nice to be able to look back through an entire year's worth of photos. So here are a few of my "photo a day" photos for a quick overview of the past couple of weeks:

My newly organised Filofax | A trip to Leeds with uni friends | Foxy phone case | Self explanatory | Snow day | Uni family | Too-full Filofax | Gin bottle collection | Perfect train journey | Recycled skirt
I know that this post has been a little text and picture heavy but there we have it, a little catch up before back to normal blogging.
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